If your school is like most other schools, you probably have many photos lying around somewhere on a server, never to be seen again, by anyone.
All class teachers take photos of activities in the class, school trips that they go on with the children and even sports activities during the year. These photos gets used minimally for newsletters, websites, etc. but then the rest gets put away and not seen again.
Why not start getting these photos to work for you: Upload all these photos to The Photo Shack and let parents browse through them to find those unique photos of their children. They will then be able to buy these photos as a digital copy or a print of whichever size they prefer. Prints can then be delivered to the school or directly to the parents home.
Its a win-win for everyone, the parents get to see and buy more photos of their children's school career and the school makes some extra money!
Upload the photos and claim your cash once photos are being sold, everything else would be taken care of for you by The Photo Shack